Rethinking Reparations in International Law
On 16-17 November 2018, the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, in collaboration with the Athens Public International Law Center, held a workshop entitled ‘Rethinking Reparations in International Law’, organised by Dr Veronika Fikfak, fellow and director of studies at Homerton College, and Professor Photini Pazartzis, professor at the Faculty of Law at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
The ESIL-funded workshop sought to address the recent developments and scholarship in the area of reparations in international law. It addressed questions such as the role remedies play in international law, whether this role is different in different areas of international law, how they are chosen by judges and arbitrators, how they are calculated, their efficiency, as well as various other issues. The workshop worked as a platform for discussion of new ideas about the efficiency of reparations in international law by bringing together scholars writing on the theory of reparations, those conducting empirical or comparative research, as well as practitioners, judges and arbitrators.
The workshop consisted of 7 panels, each addressing a different issue.
Human Rights After Brexit
Human Rights after Brexit podcast is a series of nine podcasts in which young human rights experts discuss the implications of Brexit for human rights protection in the UK. Employment, equality, data protection, are all in danger of being undermined. In these podcasts, experts seek to identify questions that are likely to come up in the next two years before we leave the EU and provide tentative answers. The podcasts were recorded at the workshop led by Dr Veronika Fikfak and held at the University of Cambridge, Lauterpacht Centre at the end of March 2017. The workshop was sponsored by the British Academy.

Rewarding in International Law
As part of Human Rights Nudge project, Veronika Fikfak organised a workshop in Völkerrechtsblog on Anne van Aaken and Betül Simsek's Rewarding In International Law. Read the introduction as well as interventions by Daniel Peat, Silvia Steininger, Luis Montoya, Cristina Lucena, and Matej Avbelj. A conversation with the authors follows in the attached video.
Nova Univerza - Academic forum on 10 March 2021
Presentation of the Country Report for Slovenia: Compliance with Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights by Slovenia, published in Pravna Praksa (March 2021).
EJIL Live - Veronika Fikfak with Joseph Weiler on 'Changing State Behaviour'
Discussion on Human Rights Nudge team leader Veronika Fikfak's paper ‘Changing State Behaviour: Damages before the European Court of Human Rights’ published in European Journal of International Law (February 2019)
ESIL Lecture - Veronika Fikfak
‘Monetising Human Rights – Studying the European Court of Human Rights’ approach to damages’ ESIL-SEDI lecture on 13 April 2018 at the King’s College London